Chapter 28

She is back


“That dress has to be green, like your eyes. I have an idea of ​​the style, which I am certain, that even to consummate your union, you won’t want to take it off,” Ruth said, leaving us all in silence. Michael, who was looking at me, smiled, showing his pointed fangs. His look was suggestive and challenging.

“Ruth, behave yourself,” Logan said, talking about his sister’s comment.

If Ruth had any idea what it’s like to be in the presence of her fated mate, she wouldn’t think like that. There are times when clothes bother me as if I had urticaria if Michael’s hands are not all over my body. And being with him, the last thing I want is to be dressed.

“Well, I was just saying that the design, it’s captivating.”

“Mm, among other issues, Raúl agreed to decorate the garden behind the town square. He said that these fifteen days would be enough time to fix everything. And what his Alpha and Luna needed would be his priority. Savage Claw wolves are so generous. How would I repay them for all they are doing for me?

“Ah, but that’s not all, Katy requires your presence tomorrow in her bakery. Needs to talk to you about the cake. She will show you the styles and flavours she has available. In this case, it is urgent, since the preparation will require time. The whole pack is invited, and we can’t miscalculate,” Logan pointed it out.

“Yes, I’ll see that matter with her tomorrow”, I said as I turned to my mate, and added, “What flavour you would rather have? I don’t know very well what is available, but give me an idea of ​​what you fancy.”

Michael took my hand and brought it to his mouth, kissing it. But that was not all because I felt the tip of his tongue caresses my skin. My face reddened tremendously, generating fire in my bowels. The people in the office swooned as I looked into his eyes, gleaming like two fathoms of burning coal.

“Ahem, Ahem.” The sound of Ruth clearing her throat broke our spell, forcing us back to reality. I swallowed, and with willpower, I took my gaze from Michael and brought it to Ruth, whose round eyes were full of curiosity.

“And as for…” but she couldn’t continue, as the door was flung open, and Susie fluttered in, looking for her father among us.

Seeing her, Michael got up from his chair and went towards her, concerned. She met him halfway, and gripping his arms tightly, Susie said, “Mom is back, Dad. She came back.”

Susie didn’t finish saying the last word, when my face was empty of all coloured, turning pale as paper. The shock was such that I did not know what was happening around me. In slow motion, I saw my mate hastily leave the office following Susie, who kept waving her hands as she spoke. Logan followed them, closing the door behind him.

The office was left empty, and only my rapid breathing was heard. Ruth was as disturbed as I was, as complete seriousness replaced her carefree personality. Our eyes met, and I didn’t know what to do, or say. And after a few seconds in complete silence, which seemed to me to be hours, Ruth finally said, “As for Laura’s return, you don’t have to worry. Alpha would not return to her for any reason. You must be completely sure of that.”

How could I? My body began to tremble, and a terrifying fear formed in the pit of my stomach, causing me to vomit. I managed to lower my head to the ground, before it made a mess, emptying my stomach completely on the floor. When I was able to sit up, Ruth was at my side, her palm on my back. Then she passed me a handkerchief and with that, I wiped my mouth. I plucked myself into the first chair within reach and leaned my head back, closing my eyes.

When I opened them, Ruth had a bottle of water in her hand, and I didn’t wait for her to offer it to me, I took it from her and drank it down. The empty bottle lands on the floor, and then I grab my face with my hands, saying, “Why Ruth? What will happen now? If Michael decides to go back with her… No, he can’t do this to me. He can’t, can’t.”

Never had I sensed this tearing force grew up in the centre of my being. This feeling was so cold that I was freezing from the inside. Scared, I was terrified. Fear of not having him with me, fear that he will return to her.

Ruth put her hand on my shoulder and squeezed hard. “You have to calm down, Terra. Alpha won’t do anything you’re thinking of. He loves you in a way I’ve never seen. He will not return with Laura. She took it upon herself to bury any small opportunity she might have to be together. But you, Luna, must think hard, and be smart. Your mind is panicking, and that way you won’t solve anything. So calm down, in due time, we’ll find out why she is back,” Ruth said with all the reason in the world, although it was not easy for me to let go of my insecurities.

But she’s right. In this state, I can’t think straight, so I wiped my eyes and raised my head. Look Ruth in the eye, and when I was going to say something, I stopped, since she closed her eyes, and concentrated, a sign that she was being contacted through the mental link.

When she reacted, she looked at me, and filling her lungs with air, she said, “It’s Logan. He wants me to escort you to your cabin. Do not think badly, it is for your safety. We must be careful while Alfa and my brother investigate what is happening."

“And what about Michael?” I asked anxiously, wanting to know his whereabouts.

“I don’t know, but it is obvious that he is the one who has to be present. Aside from the fact that he was Laura’s husband and the father of her daughter. He is our Alpha, too. Come on, I’ll walk you to your cabin.”

Without being able to say anything, I got up from the chair and followed Ruth. We took the same path as always, while my mind played with my feelings. Ruth left me at the door, but she said, “You are our Luna, Terra. The pack knows it, and Alpha knows it, shit, even Laura knows it. Cheer up, I’ll come tomorrow with the news.”

Without another word, she turned and walked away, leaving me alone with my torturous thoughts.

The whole day I expended in bed. My mood got worse as the hours passed. This loneliness was suffocating me, and his absence hurt me. The pain was not only mental but physical. My entire body was engulfed in pain. Until something, inside of me, told me to get out of bed and go out. I obeyed that voice without thinking. I opened the door and the biggest smile I could have had in my life exploded on my face, like fireworks, when I saw my partner standing in front of me, with his suitcases in hand, and a smile that matched mine.