Chapter 27

It is a dream come true.


“Come on, Terra, there’s no time to lose, those loaves fly,” Ruth said, pulling me by the hand through the streets, heading for the bakery. And already being outside, we entered.

The incredible smell of freshly baked bread hit my nostrils, making my stomach rumble at the same time. This last week I have become a distinguished customer of this place, since the bread that Katy makes I will not find anywhere else. According to her, it is a recipe passed from her great-grandmother to her grandmother, then to her mother, and finally to her. And that is why it tastes sooo good.

“Oh, here you are, I thought you weren’t going to make it on time. But don’t worry, since I saved you a piece of each flavour”, Katy said as she hurriedly placed the pieces of bread in a paper bag with her tongs.

Ruth and I approached the counter and, with delight, we saw what we would take home this time.

“Katy, Katy, Katy, did I tell you that you are my favourite person in the whole pack?” Ruth said as she rubbed her flat stomach. My mouth watered just thinking about taking a bite of those chocolate-covered doughnuts sprinkled with cookie bits.

“Oh, girl, I know that,” Katy said in response, then looking at me and smiling, she said, “Terra, I put something extra in your bag for the Alpha. Don’t tell him you heard it from me, but your mate has a sweet tooth. His favourite doughnut is the one that has cream inside.”

Immediately, my mind flew, imagining my Alpha devouring the doughnut, leaving sugar trails across his lips. Shit! This is the last straw. Even in the bakery, I can’t stop thinking about his lips, which I would like to have on me now. Ug!!!

But coming back to reality, I took money out of my pocket and gave it to Katy, but she, with an indignant face, said, “No, Luna. I will never receive money from you. Let alone being for the Alpha. Those are the rules.”

I shook my head and put the money back in my pocket, then said, “It’s not fair, you know? It’s your work.”

Nevertheless, Katy smiling said, “It is an immense satisfaction to provide for my Alpha and my Luna. End of the discussion.”

“What about me? Wouldn’t it be satisfying to provide for me too?” Ruth, pouting, said.

“No,” Katy replied flatly.

Ruth shrugged her shoulders and resignedly turned around, heading for the exit door. I followed her, but before that, I smiled at Katy, who was pleased that she had put Ruth in her place.

“Hello Terra, good morning.”

“Good morning, Magda, greetings to John.”

“Did you like the flower arrangement I sent you?”

“Oh, that was outstanding, thanks, but you shouldn’t have bothered,” I said.

“Anything for my Alfa and Luna,” Raúl, the community gardener, said, winking. I smiled, unable to do anything to avoid all this.

“I’m so happy for you, Terra, and for the pack. I swear I’ve never seen anything like this. The pack is crazy about you. And the Alpha, too. We’ve all seen a change in him, which is remarkable.”

Every day was the same. Everywhere I go, the members of the pack, made it known their feelings towards me. They are expressed in the form of gifts, or services. I was overwhelmed sometimes to receive so much attention, but as Michael told me, I have to get used to this.

I looked up at the blue, clear sky, sighing, happy, and satisfied. “I never imagined this. Not even in my pack did I see such a display of loyalty as here, even though my parents are considered the best leaders. And let me tell you, I’ve been through plenty of packs, and I’ve seen it all,” I said as I reached into the paper bag with the bread and broke off half a doughnut, then put the piece in my mouth.

But something came to my mind and looking at Ruth, I said, smiling, “And what about you? The new collection of dresses that arrived yesterday left me speechless.”

Ruth blushed, saying nothing else. The two of us walked in the direction of my mate’s office since there were things we had to discuss for the ceremony that was coming, and soon. There were only two weeks left, and according to Michael, everything should be perfect for that day.

Just thinking about it, I felt like a swarm of bees was released in my stomach. In less than two weeks, I will officially be Michael’s mate and Luna of Savage Claw. WOW.

Finally, When we got to the office, Logan was standing outside, leaning against the wall, his muscular arms crossed over his chest, watching us. We were approaching, and already in front of him, with his head, he pointed towards Michael’s office and said with a mocking smirk, “You left less than an hour, and our Alpha no longer knows what to do with himself.” And without giving further time to explain, I threw the bag with bread to Ruth, who was standing next to me and ran inside.

Michael was standing, pacing back and forth near the desk, and when I made myself noticed, he turned his head in my direction quickly. And I without wasting time, threw myself into his arms. My mate catches me in the air and hugged me tightly, bringing his nose to my neck, sniffing me.

And after a while to stay that way, he told me without letting me go, “I cannot be calm if you are not by my side, Terra. I’m lost.”

Then I rested my chin on his shoulder and replied, “My love, I was lost for many years until I found you. Now, my future is clear. I love you so much, Michael.”

And without saying anything, he squeezed me even further, taking the air out of me, but I endured because what my Alpha needs, I would be ready to provide.