Chapter 18

He is here


“What? Are you pregnant? OMG!!! AAAAA, that’s wonderful. Congrats sis. How I wish I were there to watch your belly grow and see your pups born. And what does Pablo say? I bet he’s ecstatic.” I couldn’t believe it, I was going to be an aunt.

“Ha, ha, ha, I knew that this news was going to shake you. When I found out, my brain stopped working for a while, and when I reacted, I was over the moon. And Pablo, Grrr! It’s awful. He won’t let me do anything. But I love him more for it. Terra, Terra, I am thrilled, and truly grateful to the goddess for giving me the opportunity to be a mother.”

“Wow! Mom and Dad must be in the clouds too, their first grandson or granddaughter,” I said, still not believing it. What an incredible feeling it would be to know that you are pregnant. I sighed longingly since I wanted what my sister had. A family with my fated mate.

“You need to be here for the birth, though. Ideally, sooner to help me through the pregnancy, but I’m sure you wouldn’t abandon your man even for me.”

No, I wouldn’t, but she doesn’t have to hear it from me, plus she already knows it. I adore her, in fact, my whole family, but Michael is my destiny.

She and I talked for a long time. Me emptying my heart of sorrows and she with infinite happiness. Finally, when we cut off the call, I stayed on the bed in the same position I was in and closed my eyes, thinking of his captivating eyes. Oh! Michael, how long will it take you to return to me? The sadness was haunting me very closely, making me cry more these few days than in my entire life. But I won’t be weak, I won’t cry, so I closed my mind to everything and let my body lull to the sound of the wind hitting the trees.

It’s been three days since I saw him, and my insides hurt. I am so alone without him, knowing that he walked away from me on purpose. Shit, I don’t want to go down that road, thinking I’m not worth it. And that the partner that the goddess destined for me does not love me. I know I’m worth it, I just haven’t been able to show him who I am, or how happy he could be with me. Forming our family together, even though he already has a daughter. That weighs painfully since he did not wait for me. And it hurts to know that another had what is rightfully mine.

I am so sad.

Two more days have passed and there is no sign of my mate. Logan and Ruth have come to visit me, but it’s not enough. Luke, despite being here every day, doesn’t get any closer than necessary. I’m going crazy, and I’m about to do something even crazier. This anxiety that grows day by day is like drilling holes in my brain. I have to do something, I have to go find him. This need to be with him is beyond my reason. What do I do, goddess, tell me what to do.

Almost two weeks had passed since his departure, and I was getting worse. The food that was brought to me daily was still in the packaging, unopened. My appetite had deserted me, and my vitality was slipping through my fingers. These past few days I would wake up because my eyes would open, and I would breathe because my lungs were still working, but my mind was blank, waiting for him to come back for me. I was pausing everything else concerning my life.

In the only chair here, I sat looking out the window. Everything was calm, except my heart. I got up without much spirit and went to the door, opened it, and went out. Cold air greeted me, chilling my skin. I adjusted the collar of my jumper and sat on the front steps, drawing my knees to my chest, watching everything without emotions.

I looked over to where Luke usually was, but I didn’t see him. He must have gone to his house, to his family.

Defeated, I rested my chin on my knees hugging my legs, and the first tears after I had told myself I wouldn’t cry began to flow. Silently making the journey from my eyes to my neck.

Lost in my misery, I didn’t notice when a black wolf with intense brown eyes came out of the bushes. I didn’t notice it until it was a few meters away from me. Seeing it up close, my dejected heart began to beat rapidly. The immense sadness with which I had lived these days vanished, and hope resurfaced out of nowhere.

I raised my head and straightened my back, paying attention exclusively to the wolf in front of me, which had a dead hare between its fangs. I jumped up like lightning, my heart in my throat. The tears that had ceased from the shock of seeing him resumed, but this time they were caused by something entirely different. Happiness. Hope.

He carefully approached and tossed the hare at my feet, and then he sat down, waiting. My face exploded in a dance of sensation, and my smile couldn’t have been bigger. A sob escaped from my throat despite the immense happiness that was healing my battered soul. I felt relieved.

And seeing the eyes of the wolf in front of me, I only felt belonging. Acceptance.

Without thinking further, I removed my clothes and called my beast, while my partner observed everything in detail. My transformation was instant and fast. I was on all fours in front of him. Exhibiting my marbled fur.

I approached the offered hare and sniffed it. Then I took it in my mouth and broke the skin, eating the inside, showing my companion how much I appreciated the offering. The hare didn’t last long, and when it was done, I licked my whiskers, removing traces of my prey’s delicious flavour.

Michael’s wolf watched me patiently with his ears pricked up, a sign that he was alert, and waiting. I made my way towards him, and being close I rubbed my body into his, sniffing every part of his fur. The smell of him, I engraved in the depths of my being, to never forget how my mate smells.

My mate didn’t stay still for long, as he took the opportunity to sniff me as well. I stayed still, letting him do what he wanted. I was his, and I lived for him.

We were both absorbed in the most incredible dance I had ever known. Two souls separated by time, finally reunited, mingling. I knew everything about him, just like he knew about me.

And thereafter, my beast stood still, presenting itself to him, wagging the tail incessantly, and suggestively. That’s when my mate got behind me and mounted me, holding the skin of my neck between his sharp fangs. The bite came immediately, and the moment I felt my fur being forcefully pierced, the most wonderful thing happened. Our souls intertwine and I could feel it all. It was as if another entity will occupy the same space as me. My dream had come true. Finally, he was mine.