Chapter 13

He came


Her comment made me raise my eyebrows in surprise.

“Really?” Asked

And Ruth must have seen my confusion because immediately, showing her canines, then said, “Of course. I’m convinced that with your arrival, many things in this pack will change. And I can’t wait any longer to see it.”

And of course, my canines descended, completely satisfied with her comment. That gave me a lot of hope, as I knew that if there were more people like her, my life here would be astonishing, once I reach my partner’s heart.

“Ehem,” behind me Logan caught our eye, and pointing to my outfit, he said, “But before you try to take over the world, ladies, you need to do it with style.”

I looked down at what I was wearing, and nodded, “I definitely need some pants.”

Ruth came out of the counter, and said, “Follow me, I’ve got exactly what you need to rock it.”

It was the first time in years that I shared such a moment with a girl, like me. Day after day on the road, I limit myself from all kinds of relationships. I could only temporarily sustain interaction with others, for a brief moment. Enough to move on to the next pack.

My heart filled with warmth.

Ruth led me to the back of the store, while Logan waited for us to finish at the store’s entrance.

She pulled out several pairs of jeans, some T-shirts, and some jumpers. She then pointed out to me that I should try them on by pointing her finger towards the fitting rooms. And doing what she told me, I tried them all on. I decided to keep everything, even though I had no money.

But right now, I am keeping dark jeans and a simple black tank top on. The heat was terrible and the less clothing the better. And as for the rest, I’m sure I’ll be able to make a deal with her and pay her later.

Ruth smiled when she saw me, approving my look.

I walked out with the clothes in hand, and with a smile, I told her, “Everything fits me amazingly. I don’t have money to pay for everything, but if you could give me time to…”

But Logan’s stressed voice in the distance made us turn back to the street. He was in a heated discussion with some people while making hand gestures. There was a horde of mainly women who had gathered outside the store. Nobody looked friendly.

I left the clothes on one of the racks, and together with Ruth we went out to see what it was about.

As I put my first foot outside, I was greeted with a rock, which fortunately only hit my shoulder.

“Ugh,” I groaned, but I didn’t have enough time to spot the next projectile that flew straight at my forehead.

The blow made my head snap back, leaving me completely out in a daze. For a moment, I saw black, making my knees buckle, and falling forward.

Ruth was next to me, trying to help me, yelling I don’t know what, to Logan.

And Logan, for his part, roared, making the crowd step back, and stop the attack, everyone but one.

“Luna, please, this is not how to do things.”

Luna? Is he referring to Laura?

Of course, he does, she is the wife of the Alpha, so before the pack she is Luna.


After the ringing in my ears stopped, I touched my forehead with my fingers and saw them covered in blood. Shit. That stone hit me squarely.

I scrambled to my feet with Ruth’s help, and took a few unsteady steps forward, straight into the crowd. Many would agree that it was crazy, but my instincts told me that I had to face these wolves without fear.

I made my way over to where Logan was, and took his arm, letting him know I was there. He turned slightly and glanced at me, then he said, “Go back inside the store with Ruth. These women are out of control, and I’m afraid they could do you real harm.”

But I shook my head, letting him know I wouldn’t, and facing everyone, I said aloud, “This is the first time I’ve come across a pack attacking their own race, and for nothing, no justification whatsoever. The Alpha will be tremendously ashamed of your behaviour if he finds out. I am willing to say nothing if you throw away your rocks and sticks and return home.”

Observing one by one, I noticed that their eyes began to show doubts, some began to whisper among themselves, obviously worried about what their Alpha would think of them.

I knew I was getting to them, but a voice that rose from among all of them made me lose all gained.

“How dare you come to our pack to destroy our peace? To steal our man. My husband is the first, and then who will follow? You, and how many more will come to destroy our families?”

After that, the looks of doubt turned to fury. A stone weakly hit my neck, exactly on my windpipe. I started to cough a bit, and immediately put my hand to the affected area. I looked up and, with immense pain, I saw who had thrown that stone.

A little girl, no more than eleven or twelve, hid behind Laura. Undauntedly, I knew she was the same girl who was in my mate’s cabin. The Alpha’s Daughter.

Lost in my discovery, I did not realize when the arms of many rose, throwing what they had at me. But before something fell on me, Logan’s huge body covered me completely, throwing me to the ground, and saving me.

When the barrage of projectiles ceased, Logan stood up like nothing had hit him and addressed all hastily. His eyes were a deep brown, and his canines were sharp and deadly. His animal snarled, causing the woman to take a step back. Not Laura, and her daughter, who was cowering behind her.

This moment stopped in time before my eyes, until my mate’s enraged howl stopped everyone dead in their tracks.

The people give way to him until Michael’s furious presence was in front of me.

I blinked several times, not believing what I was witnessing. And only until I had him in front of me did I understand that what I witnessed was true. He was here, for me.