Chapter 9

My Mother


“Laura, calm down now. What you did was completely out of character. There's no way I can justify your actions, no matter how scared or threatened you feel by her. That was reprehensible at all levels.”

“You don't understand, Miguel. She will take you away from us. I know that, I feel it in my bones. And then what of me? What about our daughter?” Laura, with tears in her eyes, was screaming, hysterically and out of control.

I was surprised by her reaction, not just in my office, but here as well. She's acting as if she's someone else.

My wife was sitting on the bed in our bedroom, and I was a good distance from her. How did everything go from normal to chaotic in just a few hours? What Laura did will have consequences, and her punishment is in the hands of the woman who has come for me.

What a mess.

I have to think of a solution to save my wife from the consequences of her actions. But as Terra said, we are not above the laws of the wolf. And when I noticed that Laura had calmed down somewhat, I approached her and sat next to her on the bed. I took her hand and caressed it with one of my fingers. We both stared straight ahead without saying anything, until she turned to me, and took my head with her two hands, kissing.

I opened my eyes reacting to this kiss strangely, but seeing the eyes of my wife who has been with me these twelve years, I knew that this is the right thing to do. My family is the right thing.

I closed my eyes, and took control, devouring her lips like I always had, but in my mind Terra's face smiling at me flashed, making me open them. I pulled away from Laura, and she reacted as if I had slapped her. Why wasn't I kissing her? Why did I end our kiss so abruptly?

I am upset by everything that has happened, that must be it. So, I took her by the shoulders and kissed her forehead, saying, “We are both very agitated, and I can't concentrate, since I am worried about you. You practically threw your life into her hands.”

Laura's eyes turned ugly, and between her teeth, she said, “That damn woman only came to destroy our peace. I need you to expel her from our pack as soon as possible. We have to get rid of her at any cost.”

My body froze from what I was hearing, leaving me cold for a few seconds. But without showing her how bad her words made me feel, I smiled at her, and she smiled back. I don't like this at all, and I have to solve this situation as soon as possible.

“You are right, love. Tomorrow everything will look different. Now, as you said, we are very upset, and tired. Let's rest and tomorrow we'll think of something, okay?”

I nodded my head and got up from the bed. I left the room and went to the living room, where I sat in the dark, with the images of my partner fresh in my mind, Terra. It hurts me a lot to know what she's been through to find her fated mate. I feel guilty for not giving her what she has been looking for so hard for years. My mind is troubled, and I needed to talk to someone, and I think I know who the right person is.

The birds were just waking up, while their songs began to invade the forest. Peace settled in my heart, even though my insides were tight. I looked into the distance through my animal's eyes and saw that the cabin I was looking for was not far away, so I quickened my pace.

Five minutes later, I was already in front of the door. I transformed into a human and was a little hesitant to play. It's been a long time since I came here, and to be honest, I didn't quite know why.

But I didn't have to wait long, as the door opened and my mother stuck her head in, completely amazed by my appearance.

She looked at me from head to toe and without saying anything she stepped aside to let me pass. Once inside, she closed the door and went to her bedroom, and a few minutes later she returned with a change of clothes, which she handed over to me.

“Thank you,” I said as I started to get dressed. And once I finished, I went to the chair that was in front of her and took a seat. The silence was awkward, but more than anything, I didn't know how to start, or what to say. There were so many things on my mind that it was all complicated. But luckily, my mother was the one who broke the silence, saying, “Oh great Alpha, to what do I owe the honour of your presence?” Sarcastically as always. My mother hasn't changed a bit in all these years. Not since she left the pack to live her life alone after the accident.

“Mother,” I said.

She crossed her arms and waited for me to say the reason I was there. Taking a deep breath, I said, “I found my fated mate.” Her eyes widened, and her mouth opened slightly, but she didn't say anything, giving me a chance to keep talking. I lowered my gaze to the ground and continued, “I don't know what to do. Ever since I saw her, my being was drawn to her and my thoughts are only about Terra.”

“So that's her name?” she said, cutting me off; I just nodded my head, and then continued, “Laura is completely nuts about this, even to the point of attacking her. I don't know what to do, Mother. My marriage is on the line, and the worst part is that I can't lift a single finger against Terra. My animal and my conscience do not allow me. I haven't even had enough balls to run her from the pack. I don't know what to do, as I want to avoid hurting her. Her pain is like a reflection, which I feel too. What should I do?”

Look at my mother, paying attention to each of her wrinkles. I hadn't realized how long it had been since I last saw her, or how time had wreaked havoc on her body. But that hard, cold look she's looking at me with now is the same one she gave me when she left the pack, and it's all thanks to me.

“Why do you come to me for advice, son? Weren't you and your father the ones who killed my fated mate just for the sake of keeping our family together, even though my heart wasn't with him any more? Even though I begged you and him not to get in the way, to let us live our lives, since the bond was too strong, and I couldn't and wouldn't fight against it? Thanks to your father's disgusting selfishness, I lost my mate, animal, and almost my life.”

My mother raised a finger, pointed it in my direction, and said, “And you, being there, did nothing to prevent it.”