Chapter 24

All will be OK


While I was holding the tray with the tea, my hands were shaking a little. This meeting was inevitable but imperative. My daughter’s life and mine would no longer be the same, and both she and I must assimilate it. However, I am worried about Susie. I’m uncertain if her young mind can fathom the magnitude of it all. Although she was the one who opened the doors for this to happen. It is one thing to say it, and another the reality.

Walking towards the living room, and seeing what was happening, made me lose my breath for a few moments. I think that in this life I will not have the opportunity to fully know the extent of my partner’s abilities. I am amazed at the way people fall at her feet after meeting her. This happiness is difficult to assimilate. I don’t know how to cope with these emotions that are so unknown to me. But here she was, talking to my daughter.

And to think that the first day I met her I told her she wasn’t welcome, much less that I would have anything to do with her. How could those words have come out of my mouth? Now, without her, I wouldn’t know what to do.

And apparently, Susie and Terra sensed my presence, as they turned to where I was standing. I regret interrupting their chat, I should have given them more time to get to know each other, but anyway, what’s done is done.

I kept walking until I got to the living room, where I put the tray on the coffee table and sat next to Susie. More than anything, I did it to reassure her that she was my priority.

“I put two sugars in your tea, and a bit of milk,” saying that I handed my daughter her cup, and then I turned to Terra, who was watching my interaction with my daughter intently.

“I don’t know how you like to drink tea. So, I brought everything”, I told her, while with my hand, I pointed to the tray with everything that occurred to me to bring. And she, smiling, nodded her head, saying, “I usually don’t drink tea. But when I get the chance, I take it with a lot of sugar. I have never been able to drink it as the experts suggest.”

Terra then proceeded to pour herself a cup. And the place fell silent as we took small sips of tea. To be honest, if it wasn’t for Laura’s influence, I wouldn’t be here drinking tea. I had never liked it, nor was it a tradition in my house. Yet here I was, sipping the tea I didn’t want. Given the circumstances, tea will be the next thing to go.

After the three of us were together for a while, I noticed something about my daughter, and it was the same thing that had happened to other wolves. There was something about Terra that inspired them, respect. Some unknowingly tilted their heads, acknowledging that Terra’s animal was the dominant one. A real Luna. The perfect match for my animal, and me.

The goddess knew what she was doing, and now I see it clearly. But our battle has only just begun, as so many years of dos and don’ts have become norms, which will not be easy to eradicate. And to begin with, I will have to introduce Terra as my mate to the pack in an official ceremony. The naming and recognition of Terra as the Luna of Savage Claw, and my mate.

For this, I need her to become familiar with the structure and hierarchy of my community. There are many wolves who need to come to terms with the idea that Terra is here to stay and that I am with her. Electricity ran down my back, raising the hairs on my body. Thinking of her as mine delighted me in a way I couldn’t fathom. I never felt this, I don’t know what to call this. But not even when I joined Laura in front of everyone, I experience something like this. Nothing I’ve done before compares to what I’m experiencing now. I hope I’m not losing my mind.

Leaving the house, we headed to my office, which was not far from where we were. We walked all the way there, and I did so to show all my wolves that Terra was my mate. I held her hand with pride, and undoubtedly, what she represented in my life. Other wolves did not think so because despite my animal being the most dominant, some dared to question my decisions with disrespectful attitudes. But with a single snarl from my beast, they bowed their heads in submission.

All the way, I had Terra by the hand. However, she was quiet, nervously looking around. “It’s okay, Terra, no one will touch you while you’re by my side. Soon, everyone will get used to your presence, so hold on for now. Things will change”, I told her, as I tried to convey security with a smile. And of course, she understood me immediately, since her look immediately reflected, confidence in me and in my words. Her dreamy, lively eyes returned as well.

This would definitely take time, but I’m sure not by much.

Arriving at my office, I opened the door and we entered. Roxana was here, working on the reports and aspects that had to do with all the maintenance of the community. Together with Laura, she managed that area. And when she saw me arrive, from a placid smile, it turned to disdain when she saw that I wasn’t alone. But she immediately masked her emotions by showing us a neutral face. She got up from her chair and said, “Alpha, I’m glad you’ve arrived, there are some things I need to talk to you about.”

Roxana never looked at Terra, on the contrary, it seemed that it was impossible for her to turn to see her. I could understand it since she and Laura were very close. My beast could detect the hostility that she did not show, but I, being her Alpha, felt it. Even so, Roxana will have to adapt to the new circumstances and accept Terra as the matron of the pack.

“Roxana, I want to introduce you to Terra. She is my mate, as you may have heard. Make her feel welcome and help her get settled into our community. Understood?” I said with authority since people had to be put in their place to prevent problems from growing.

Her reaction was to tense her body; however, she managed to show a smile, which seemed to me to be fake. Terra held out her hand, saying, “Hi, I’m Terra. It’s a pleasure, Roxana”.

But Roxana only looked at the outstretched hand for a few seconds, then turned her gaze to Terra, and said smiling, “Terra, Oh yea, I’ve heard of you.” That was all she said, leaving my mate with her hand in the air. She then turned to me, saying, “Alpha, unfortunately, Luna is no longer with us, leaving me with all the work. I need her authorization and opinion on some matters, and it is evident that she will not be able to do so at the moment. What should I do in that case?”

What Roxana said didn’t matter to me, and paled in comparison to seeing my mate’s outstretched hand is ignored. I’ve never felt such indignation over something so insignificant, but now… It’s like someone else is taking my body. I don’t recognize myself.

My animal emerged along with my emotions. No one was going to disrespect her. And with a growl that came out of my chest, Roxana opened her eyes, afraid. She stepped back and lowered her head. I advanced towards her, but the soft touch of my partner stopped me. I turned to see her and she shook her head. My animal immediately calmed down, and I couldn’t think of anything but to please her. Terra was stealing my will.