Chapter 4

I can smell him


The road was painfully silent. Nobody took the time to turn around to see if I was okay. All I could see was their backs and those perfect buttocks. All of them were perfect.

As I walked, I couldn’t help but imagine that he would be there, looking like them. My cravings increased with each step I took, and my heart raced. My heartbeat should have been so powerful that one of them turned around and looked at me from top to bottom, before returning his cold gaze to the front.

After more time on the road, they stopped, causing me to stop too, wondering what was wrong. Wondering what was next. One of the women turned around, and faced me, saying, “The ridge we have to cross we can only do on our animals.” I looked straight ahead, and undoubtedly, there was that mountain she was talking about. I nodded my head and put my belongings down on the floor.

Closing my eyes, I set my animal free. My beautiful, strong, and powerful beast emerged, raising its head in the direction of the other wolves.

When they transformed, dependably noticed that also their animals were magnificent. Their fur, like their hair, was intense black. I could see who the men were since their wolves were a little bigger and broader than the women’s. And despite this difference, theirs did not stop looking lethal before my eyes.

My animal trotted towards them, and to my surprise, I saw them bowing their heads slightly. This was unexpected. Why did my beast have so much power over them? I noticed that during our interaction at the lake, but now I’m corroborating it.

My animal, with its marbled fur, a mix between white, light brown, and black, headed towards them. I was afraid of what they would do having me around, but again I was left speechless when they all started rubbing their bodies on mine.

My animal let out a sound from its throat that I did not recognize. This had not happened before with any other member of my pack or any other that I have visited. But without giving more importance to the matter, my animal surprisingly took the lead. The others took up their positions behind me, and as if my wolf knew the path, we advanced.

The mountain was hard to cross, nevertheless, with the guidance of the wolves, we were able to reach the other side. Being at the top, I was capable of seeing through the eyes of my animal, what was in front of me. In the distance was the place I was looking for. I could see smoke rising from the cabin chimneys, and see the expanse of the place. The pack lived in a dreamlike place. Now I understood why they want to guard their location so jealously and stay apart from everyone.

If my mate is here, I will be happy to stay in this place with him.

But it was time to move on, so my new pack and I continued walking up the mountain until we crossed the dense forest that separated me from my destination.

As I got closer, I felt my nerves explode. It’s like it’s a premonition. My animal’s eyes were focused straight ahead and had only one thing on its mind. Go to him.

I turned to the sky and saw that the sun was setting. We had spent almost a whole day on the road, and I was really exhausted.

One of the wolves got ahead of me, and trotting, like a hasty change of direction, the others followed him and me too. We continued straight ahead until my eyes fell on an archway that seemed to be the entrance. Intense odours began to invade my senses. This was the entrance to the town where the pack lived. It had finally arrived.

The six wolves crossed, and we took the path until in the distance I began to see the wooden houses that I saw from a distance. I also began to notice activity and the life that this place had.

My stomach clenched, anticipating the notion of him, being here or not. This pack was my last hope.

He had to be here.

And continuing on our way, we crossed some houses from which people began to come out as if they had known that I had arrived.

Women, men, and little ones watched me with great curiosity, and at the same time with intuition. But something happened when I passed in front of them. They all bowed their heads, some noticeably, and others just slightly. But I saw it. Just as the wolves that accompanied me did at the beginning.

Some who were in their animal form approached me, ears lowered along with their tails, slowly, until they rubbed their bodies on mine. My wolf did the same, absorbing their scents.

I was really shocked. The wolves in this pack recognized me as part of theirs. Not so much their human counterpart. Although, this act made me tremble since I remembered something similar that happened in another pack some time ago.

The wolves were acknowledging their guide and example. My stomach flipped at the thought that my mate could be the Alpha here. There was no other explanation for this behaviour.

And reaching a certain point on the path, that’s when I smelled it. My animal lifted its nose into the air and tested it by sticking out its tongue, and at the same time sniffing curiously in all directions. He was here. My partner. The man I had been looking for all my life.

My wolf howled, letting him know that we were here, that we came for him. But my animal didn’t give me time to process anything, as it sped off in one direction, running as we’d never run before. And I, for one, had tears in my eyes.

The more we ran, the stronger his scent became. Until we come to a cabin slightly larger than the others. The door was immediately flung open, and a man with indescribable intensity stepped out.

My mind completely shut down as I could only see him. Nothing around me existed, and with ambitious eyes, I absorbed the glossy black hair that was long enough to reach his shoulders. Then my gaze went to his face, where I admired his full, well-formed lips. Posteriorly, his straight nose, was full of personality. And lastly, his eyes. Like the other wolves, they were crystalline honey.

All within me melted. As If my insides were mashed. And after my initial shock at seeing him, I was finally able to notice it. His face when he opened the door was visibly altered, and when he saw me he stopped completely, as if he had frozen in time, watching me with a mixture of wonder and terror, and… something further.

At this, my animal gave way to me, until I was in front of him. Naked. But nothing mattered because I was finally facing him. I had found him. My partner, my fated mate.

Still absorbed with the image in front of me, I raised my arm to touch him. He extended his too, but before we could touch each other, a woman of incredible beauty appeared at the door, and when she saw me, her face changed into something horrible. She took my partner’s arm harshly, pulling him away from me. And that’s when the most terrifying scream came from my guts.